Photo of Sanjana Gautam


Informatics Ph.D. Student
Graduate Adviser
Mary Beth Rosson
Graduate Cohort
B.Tech., Shiv Nadar University, India in Computer Science and Engineering with a Minor in Economics

I am currently pursuing PhD in Informatics at Pennsylvania State University.  My lab is ‘Innovation and Collaboration Lab’ that is led by Dr. Jack M. Carroll and Dr. Mary Beth Rosson. My advisor is Dr. Mary Beth Rosson. My primary research interest is to use learning analytic to design tools to enhance the pedagogical experience of online learners. I wish to further explore alternative modalities of information - specifically the insights that emerge from online user behavior. My desire to pursue doctoral studies is motivated by my aspirations to contribute to research concerning human behavioral dynamics through pervasive sensing, and in HCI for education.

Research Keywords
education technology; ethics in LLM; human-in-the-loop system design;